Let’s have some fun on the interwebs, shall we? It’s funny that contractors at the Dylan Thomas center in Swansea made the same spelling mistake twice, writing “lighting” for “lightning.”…
Motions were due today to argue whether Judge Walker’s temporary stay on performing same-sex marriages should continue. No word yet on when he will rule. The reason this satirical piece…
So you’re torn between the Rumpus Book Club and the Rumpus Poetry Book Club. You want both, and who could blame you. But it’s just a smidge too pricey for…
Two spiral galaxies collided a hundred million years ago. The pictures just got back from the developer. (Is that joke too out of date now? Maybe.) The UN added 21…
My main question about this Wikipedia entry is “who took the time to count all the fucks?” This is the non-porn list, just to be clear. I was a little…
I have one cat who carries around a catnip-filled mouse in her mouth and quacks. I have another who barks. The other two make regular appearances on my Facebook page.…
As you may have heard, yesterday Judge Vaughn Walker found California’s Prop 8 to be unconstitutional. Here’s the entire ruling if you’re into those sorts of things. I’m not a…
Jessica Smith wrote a post about the incivility in the comment stream at Ron Silliman’s blog, and in comment streams in general. Silliman has since turned off his comments, and…
Jezebel takes apart the results of a survey conducted by a Christian website. The subject of the survey is modesty, and the responses vary from the odd to the terrifying,…
Stephenson Billings, a writer for the satirical site Christwire, makes the case for boycotting Bill Murray in order to have a better America. “What this man symbolizes is far more…
Does your pet carry the Ebola virus in its genes? Could a wind-powered vehicle go faster than the wind? Yes, it seems. Take a look at the oldest evidence of…