Sunday 1/13: Jack Zipes will present Smack-Bam, or The Art of Governing Men. Magers & Quinn Booksellers, 5 p.m., free.
Monday 1/14: The Central Parent Advisory Committee welcomes Michael Kleber-Diggs. Kleber-Diggs will read from and discuss his heartfelt poetry and essays. His writing has appeared in many literary journals, the Star Tribune, and numerous anthologies. Central High School, 7 p.m., free.
Tuesday 1/15: Join Magers & Quinn Booksellers for an evening with poets Pat Barone (Your Funny, Funny Face) and Diane Jarvenpa (The Way She Told Her Story). Magers & Quinn Booksellers, 7 p.m., free.
Wednesday 1/16: David Housewright will read and sign his newest book, First, Kill the Lawyers. SubText Books, 7 p.m., free.
Thursday 1/17: Brian DeVore will present Wildly Successful Farming: Sustainability and the New Agricultural Land Ethic, which tells the stories of farmers across the Midwest who are balancing profitability and food production with environmental sustainability and a passion for all things wild. Magers & Quinn Booksellers, 7 p.m., free.
Saturday 1/19: After ten years and twenty-five plays, the Workhaus Collective ended its run in 2016 with Carson Kreitzer’s sold-out production of Lasso of Truth. Join them as they celebrate that legacy and share a new twelve-play anthology (co-published by Spout Press) from the collective. In addition to the plays, the book contains essays from each writer with advice, reflection, and ideas about writer-driven, collective theater. Playwrights’ Center, 7 p.m., free.
Here’s a thing: Are you a writer of speculative fiction? Minnesota has a place for you. Check out the Minnesota Speculative Fiction Writers group and find your people.
Please email any event listings you’d like to see to [email protected].
Notable Twin Cities logo designed by Tyler Barton.