I went to a Catholic school. I was a shy kid and got beat up by girls. I would express myself through drawings; that's how I made friends. So when I transferred to the public school in fifth grade I had this chip on my shoulder.
I put myself in the group home. I was in the therapist office with my mom and I said, "I give up. I'm not going to try anymore," meaning getting along with my mom, and he suggested the group home.
In 2005 I began interviewing people I grew up with and transcribing the interviews, creating a kind of memoir but in other people’s words. This is the ninth interview; you…
In 2005 I began interviewing people I grew up with and transcribing the interviews, creating a kind of memoir but in other people’s words. What’s most interesting turns out not…
I left home at thirteen and spent a year on the streets, more or less, and four years in group homes. Because of that my social network was significantly wider…
In 2005 I began interviewing people I grew up with. Because I left home at thirteen and spent four years in group homes, my social network was significantly wider than…
In 2005 I began interviewing people I grew up with. Because I left home at thirteen and spent four years in group homes, my social network was significantly wider than…