The poet Deborah Digges died April 10, and there’s been a number of remembrances posted online, along with stories and selections from from her work.
Ron Silliman notes the passing of Franklin Rosemont, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, and Henri Meschonnic.
Travis Nichols has more on Deborah Digges and Franklin Rosemont.
Congratulations to Fanny Howe and Ange Mlinko for the prizes they received from the Poetry Foundation.
Congratulations also to the winners of the 2009 Literature Award Winners from the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
Craig Morgan Teicher defends contemporary poetry reviewers, and does so ably, I think.
Woodcarving as verbo-visual art.
And finally, make sure you keep up with The Rumpus’s collection of previously unpublished poetry. We’re doing a poem a day, and it’s easy to fall behind.