The best game for Nintendo DS was not Nintendogs, as much as I liked that one. It was a little-known experimental music interface called Elektroplanton, with which you would use the stylus and microphone to create surprisingly sonorous and satisfying compositions via several different modes of interacting with the little luminous plankton creatures. Unfortunately, they haven’t turned that game into a flash application yet, but in the meantime, this thing is a somewhat suitable replacement. It’s an interactive grid that allowes you to make quick and easy electronic ditties. It is based on this much more powerful thingie that I don’t know how to use but which looks cool.
I Make-a-the-Music
Joshuah Bearman
Joshuah Bearman has written about CIA missions, jewel thieves, deranged private investigators, aspiring Fabios, bitter rivalry among dueling Santa Clauses, and the metaphysical implications of being the world's greatest Pac Man player. His article for Wired became the movie Argo.