Since today is Memorial Day, yesterday your humble Morning Coffee editor’s birthday, and the exact two month mark of holding said title, here are his top 20 links from his residency here on the Enjoy.
13 scientific truths that don’t make sense.
Edgar Allen Poe’s drunken regret.
The art of Penguin science fiction book covers.
Leaked anti-gay marriage ad auditions.
TED talk on the importance of play.
Jon Adams on the birth of Stan Lee.
1960s department of defense PSA.
Nabokov’s book reviews for the New Republic.
Beautiful feral Japanese shipyard.
Paraplegic man is bitten by a spider, regains the use of his legs, is arrested for domestic abuse.
T.S. Eliot’s snarky rejection of Animal Farm.
And last but not least: how to tell an Iranian sniper from a wookie.