Longtime 826 Valencia volunteers Nicki and Ryan Moore are ready and willing to travel to Sudan this summer to assist in the opening of a new secondary school in Marial Bai, Sudan, but they need your help! The Valentino Achak Deng Foundation will provide for volunteers once they are in Sudan, but each volunteer must provide their own airfare. Airfare to Africa is extremely expensive, so Nicki and Ryan have set up a blog to collect donations to aide their efforts to volunteer this summer. Please consider making a donation that would enable these two to make a difference this summer!
Send Them to Sudan
Brian Spears
Brian Spears is Senior Poetry Editor of The Rumpus and the author of A Witness in Exile (Louisiana Literature Press, 2011). His poem “Upon Reading That Andromeda Will One Day Devour Triangulum and Come For Us Next” was featured in Season 9 of Motion Poems.