It’s been a hot day, so have a cold one.
The nation’s first public library was founded on this day in 1731, when Benjamin Franklin and fifty associates pooled their books, and annual dues to buy more books, for the common use of the members. (The first truly public library would not come along for about a century.)
Phillip Roth does some “Jewish shouting” (more like yodeling) on a “booty-shaking” dance track. I shit you not. (Via @ScottEsposito)
The Guardian UK is also tepid about Free: the book “doesn’t take the reader far beyond the notion that there’s a lot of free stuff about.”
But not everyone disagrees with Chris Anderson.
Pinocho Y Chapete: a 1920’s take on Pinocchio, by one of the most prominent Spanish comics artist of the day, Salvador Bartolozzi. (A Journey Round My Skull)