I think I mixed some Haterade in with my coffee this morning, because the technology news has me shaking my head and wondering if some of these things being touted as breakthroughs are really all that awesome.
Rik Fairlie at Gadgetwise seems unduly excited about a new camera from Samsung. Its big achievement? A second LCD screen on the front to make it easier to take self-portraits. Wow. Drunken teens and twenty-somethings will never be the same again, assuming they can figure out the timer function after shots of tequila.
One that’s making me scratch another bald spot on my head–a biodegradable mobile phone. Except it isn’t, really. The case is biodegradable (made of corn, like nearly everything else these days), but the inner workings are made of the same stuff every other mobile phone is. How about phone companies make it easier for people to recycle old or broken phones instead?
This one isn’t a piece of technology so much as it’s just silly–a mathematical model for surviving a zombie attack. I guess I am a hater, because I’ve never understood the attraction to zombie movies, other than Shaun of the Dead.
I’m not completely filled up on Haterade, though. this story about drag racing Teslas made my heart flutter a bit. The only way it could have been cooler would have been if two Teslas had raced each other, and the only sound was the squealing of tires and the track announcer giving their speeds at the end of the runs. Electric vehicles can be hot.