It’s a Saturday and I’m not hung over. I’ll make up for it.
Catholic League president Bill Donohue is the kind of guy I’d like bad things to happen to. In a way, that happened. I don’t know if it was a mistake or if someone at the publishing house submarined him, but either way, I tip my hat to you.
Do you have some time to waste? Ask yourself which group of photos is more cringe-worthy–Awful Team Photos or Awkward Family Photos.
Overthinking It asks us a (heart)burning question about burritos.
The AV Club gets all gushy over which movie clichés they like best. Me, I go for the Scooby Doo ending.
Do you have the latest Presidential Birth Certificate?
PZ Myers is excited because Fargo, ND has declared September 24 to be Freethought Day. I’m skeptical.