As the internet continues to take over the world, more and more of us begin to fancy ourselves as writers and hop on the blog-wagon, but how many viable journalistic positions are there really room for in the big wide world of new media, and what’s happened to all the newspapers?
Who better than Michael Mandel, chief economic writer for BusinessWeek, to solve this mystery for us step by step through an upcoming series of articles?
In the first installment, Mandel shows us that newspapers and periodicals are pretty much screwed based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ numbers from the past twenty years. He leaves us with a glimmer of hope, though, as employment is on the rise in a mysterious sector the BLS has dubbed “internet publishing and broadcasting and web search portals,” or as Mandel calls it, “Google and Yahoo.”
Take heart though, comrades, Mandel will follow up with an analysis of the job market during the recession, and then maybe — just maybe, some shred of uplifting news about the future of journalism as we know it.