The decision by voters in several states to ban gay marriage has more than ruffled the feathers of many gay rights activists. In a country where half of all marriages end in divorce, many argue that the traditional marriage “protected” in measures such as California’s Proposition 8 has been marred by millions of broken vows.
John Marcotte, a web designer in Sacramento, has taken protest of Prop 8 one step further by proposing a measure for the 2010 California ballot that would ban divorce in California. “Since California has decided to protect traditional marriage, I think it would be hypocritical of us not to sacrifice some of our own rights to protect traditional marriage even more,” Marcotte told the Associated Press.
Marcotte, who runs the comedy site, has garnered support from more than just the gay community. His Facebook page has over 11,000 members, and he led a “ban divorce” rally at the Capitol building in Sacramento. Some supporters held signs that read: “You too can vote to take away civil rights from someone.”
Find out more about Marcotte and his measure by reading the Associated Press article “‘No Divorce’ Initiative Lampoons Gay Marriage Ban” on the NPR website.