Partially due to anti-porn Internet filters, the Canadian magazine The Beaver is changing its name. (via Silliman)
The end was near, and now it is near, and damn it, why won’t it just get here already. The Guardian writes on the history of apocalypses.
Loredo, Texas no longer has a bookstore. (via The Millions)
“My work’s not about erotica. People always think my work is about perversion, or sadism, or gayness, but it’s completely uninterested in that stuff. To me, it was really convenient I was gay because I could write about two male bodies, and they make a perfect system. If I were straight, it would’ve been much more complicated.” — Dennis Cooper, from a conversation between Dennis Cooper and Blake Butler over at GIANT.
And finally, via the estimable @maudnewton, “Warner Herzog” reads Curious George!