So the big news for Rumpus Poetry Book Club members is that our chat with Elizabeth Alexander will take place on Friday November 5 at 8:00 p.m. EST, 5:00 p.m. PST. Be ready to wow her with your questions about Crave Radiance. Our next selection is Jena Osman’s The Network.
What does a poet want from the audience? I’m interested in this since I’m doing a reading in Boca Raton on Nov. 17th. (Email me for details if you’re in the area.)
Harriet provides a taste of the larger discussion over UbuWeb and IP rights.
Sina Queyras has an extraordinary piece on the debate over appropriation in poetry.
Would you like to write about poetry for The Rumpus? I’m always looking for people to review new collections or to provide entries for our “Last Poem/Collection I Loved” series. If you have something you think I’d be interested in, send a query to poetry-at-therumpus-dot-net.
If anyone can find the text of the poem Sam Waterston read at today’s Rally to Restore Sanity, can you pass it along? I liked that they introduced Waterston as the most reasonable seeming man in America.”
Follow Rumpus Poetry on Twitter for updates on the book club, reviews, original poems, and whatever else pops up during the day.