As I mentioned at the end of the Poetry Book Club chat with Noelle Kocot (the edited version will run Tuesday, I believe), I have started a Rumpus Poetry Facebook page. So there’s yet another way for everyone to keep up with what’s happening in Rumpus Poetry.
This month’s selection is Joseph Harrington’s Things Come On, and it’s already sparked a good discussion in the google group. If you want to join the Rumpus Poetry Book Club, click here. Next month is Dean Young’s latest, so get in now.
Ariel Jastromb has some insights into social media and the future of poetry, or one future anyway.
If you’re going to be in south Florida during the month of April, keep an eye out for O, Miami. They’ll be everywhere, or they’re going to try at least.
Over at LemonHound (which I should read far more regularly and so should you), Damian Rogers talks to Anne Waldman about a number of things, including the VIDA count.
Congratulations to C D Wright on winning the National Book Critics Circle Award in poetry.
Just remember that in addition to our spiffy new Rumpus Poetry Facebook page, you can follow us on Twitter. April is coming, which means National Poetry Month and which means, for the third straight year, our Poem a Day project. We’ve solicited poems from some great folks again this year, and I have high hopes for the project.