The weather app on my phone has stopped giving me the temperature and has started simply laughing at me. That is, when it’s not giving me the temperature in Kelvin as a way of cheering me up.
Rumpus superstar Roxane Gay takes on “The anger of the male novelist at Salon.
SOPA and PIPA are, for the moment, on hold. Clay Shirky really nails why this legislation is such a big deal when he goes into the history of the entertainment industry when it comes to control.
Oddly enough, if you want a good example why SOPA and PIPA are unnecessary, the shutdown of MegaUpload is a pretty good one.
2011 was the year of the Arab Spring, but it looks like overall, most people there aren’t much freer than they were before.
Employers who offer health insurance to their employees will have to make sure they offer birth control as part of the deal, thanks to rules put out today by the federal government. Religious nonprofits who object will have an extra year to come into compliance, but will not be given an exception.