The upcoming feature film FARAH GOES BANG is launching CHERRY BOMB [editor’s note: no affiliation to Stephen Elliott’s film Cherry], a new blog from Rumpus contributors Laura Goode and Neelanjana Banerjee. They want to hear all your secrets–in a fun, safe, and beguilingly hush-hush way.
Send 300-500 words on the good, bad, and ugly of how you swiped the V-card to farahgoesbang AT by Monday, March 19.
More on the blog’s concept and how it works:
FARAH follows three girls who go on the road in 2004 to campaign for John Kerry, one of whom is on a mission to lose her long-lingering virginity. The concept behind CHERRY BOMB is simple: they want to hear about your first time.
Contributions can be totally anonymous and the blog will be password-protect so only those who support the CHERRY BOMB mission by contributing to the blog or donating to the April Kickstarter campaign for the film can read it. Contributors will receive the blog’s password and be able to share in the proliferation of so many awkward sexual encounters all in one little corner of the internet.