Jack the Ripper killed women in real life. He is known as Jack the Ripper, and was never caught for his violent crimes.
Nick Cave kills people in his music. He is known as the greatest singer in the world, and is in a band called The Bad Seeds. He has been caught by video cameras and audio recordings performing his murderous songs.
It’s only fitting that Jack the Ripper would make it into Nick’s brilliant back catalog.
Fellow Bad Seeders, indulge in “Jack The Ripper”:
It’s not only a video, it’s a public service announcement. So, ladies, if you’re overbearing on your man, it’s best to hide the cutlery and other sharp objects.
Here’s “Jack The Ripper” from their 1992 tour:
I covet those white shoes. The Bad Seeds dress code is toeing that thin line between looking like a well dressed preacher or a high-end pimp.
Germany, 1996:
Those awful festival barriers. As you have seen from earlier Nick Cave Mondays, these days Nick likes to jump out into the crowd even if they’re 30 feet away from the stage. I can’t wait until the Bad Seeders shoot video from Coachella.
If you haven’t seen Nick Cave yet on the 2013 tour, you’re in luck, “Jack The Ripper” is on their set list.
Here they are in Nashville, including some fun banter with a drunk audience member:
Jack The Ripper has been the subject of song by other musicians over the years. By far my second favorite song referencing Jack the Ripper is by Screaming Lord Sutch.
Marilyn Manson’s grandpa is pretty scary.
In other Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds tour news, here’s a great segment on his back up singers in Canada a few days ago.
How cute are those petit Bad Seeders? Welcome to the club kids.
“Well you know the story of the viper, it’s long and lean with a poison tooth.”
Thanks for reading and come back next week for another edition of Nick Cave Monday.