How is your crown supposed to fall off
when you look like Jesus
I am superficial because it feels religious
let’s light a candle for you not wanting me back
we could be dirty juice and bent crucifix
suspend the alphabet now
o sanctus sanctus sanctus puer
mea illusio mea est mea omnia
can you believe in guides your eyes can’t see
can you believe I still want you
I cannot believe you would choose loneliness
loneliness is how little you want me
I know nothing about Christianity
and so I love it
take me behind your mouth
that I might forsake it
pillar of salt
pillar of salt
-Melissa Broder
Melissa Broder is the author of two poetry collections, MEAT HEART and WHEN YOU SAY ONE THING BUT MEAN YOUR MOTHER. Poems appear or are forthcoming in Guernica, Fence, Redivider, Court Green, The Missouri Review, Barrelhouse, The Awl, Drunken Boat, et al. You can read the online ones HERE. By day, she is an Assistant Director of Publicity and Social Media at Penguin.