Monday 05/13:
Emily Books presents “What is the Queer Novel?” featuring a reading and discussion with Sarah Schulman and Barbara Browning. Housing Works Bookstore, 7pm, free.
The Franklin Park Reading Series welcomes a killer line-up featuring The Rumpus’ Roxane Gay, Karen Russell, Elissa Schappell, Leigh Newman, and Michael Heald. Franklin Park, 8pm, free.
Tuesday 05/14:
Tonight join a great line-up of writers and editors for Literary Salon: Genuine Storytelling as they discuss how to apply old-school storytelling to new media. Featured readers/presenters include Michael Shapiro, professor and founder of The Big Roundtable; Ron Spillman, editor of Tin House Magazine; Halimah Marcus, co-editor of Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading; Noah Rosenberg, founder and editor-in-chief of Narratively; Cynthia-Marie O’Brien, founder and co-managing editor of Hypothetical: A Review of Everything Imaginable; and Syreeta McFadden, member of LouderArts Project, Editor of Union Station Magazine, and Feministing contributor. KGB Bar, 7pm, free.
Wednesday 05/15:
PowerHouse Arena and Penguin Classics present the second installment of their new collaborative series with Sarah Manguso and Lewis Hyde discussing Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet. Leigh Stein moderates. powerHouse Arena, 7pm, free.
Patasola’s Parlour returns with readings from Leah Umansky, Lauren Hunter, David Weisberg, and Elizabeth Devlin, as well as a reading from host Lisa Marie Basile and a special burlesque-reading by Emily Linstrom. As always, Patasola’s Parlour isn’t just a reading and will have music from Shayfer James and burlesque from Lorraine Sweetlorraine and Coco te Amo. Happy Endings Lounge, 7:30pm, free.
Thursday 05/16:
The Steamboat Literary Humor Series hosts Owen Egerton (Everyone Says That at the End of the World) and Iris Smyles (Iris Has Free Time
), as well as others TBA. Greenlight Bookstore, 7:30pm, free.
Friday 05/17:
Eugene Ostashevsky, Matvei Yankelevich, and Edwin Frank will read from their newly-released translation of Alexander Vvedensky’s poetry An Invitation for Me to Think. This book is not only the first book of poetry released from the New York Review of Books, but the first collection of Vvedensky’s poetry in English. Get it; go to this reading. Unnameable Books, 7pm, free.
Sunday 05/19:
In celebration of the 130th anniversary of the Brooklyn Bridge many renowned poets will gather for a marathon reading of Hart Crane’s poem “The Bridge.” Readers include Mary Jo Bang, Dorothea Lasky, Jorie Graham, Lonely Christopher, Eileen Myles, John Yau, and many more. Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 1, 3pm, free.