The next Weekly Rumpus features fiction from Justin Hamm. Here’s an excerpt:
I gave him a post card. He autographed it. I gave him one of his early records. He autographed it. I gave him a record by Justin Bieber. He autographed it. I gave him a two-dollar bill. He autographed it. I gave him a baby shoe. He autographed it. I gave him a copy ofHuckleberry Finn. He flipped through it for a minute, almost wistfully. Then he autographed it. He autographed our SUV. He autographed my daughter’s shadow. He autographed a couple of old beer cans we found in a dumpster. I chewed some bubble gum and blew a big bubble and he autographed that. He autographed my cell phone. He autographed a storm cloud. He even autographed the place in the sky where the moon would be later in the night. That way, he said, it’ll look like I autographed the moon, when it finally gets here. Only later, when I tried to read all of his signatures, did I realized he’d been signing everything Sinead O’Connor.
Justin Hamm is the founding editor of the museum of americana and the author of the chapbooks Illinois, My Apologies (RockSaw Press, 2011) and The Everyday Parade/Alone With Turntable, Old Records (Crisis Chronicles Press, 2013). His work has appeared, or will soon appear, in Nimrod, The New York Quarterly, Cream City Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, Quiddity, and the anthology The Captain’s Tower: Seventy Poets Celebrate Bob Dylan at Seventy. His recent work has also won The Stanley Hanks Memorial Poetry Award from the St. Louis Poetry Center. Visit his website:
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