The next Weekly Rumpus features fiction from N. Michelle AuBuchon. Here’s an excerpt:
The more you take away, the more the world opens up. This is a poetic way of saying that Lakshmi was living vicariously through the amputation and relocation of her body parts. To an outsider she looked like a stump in a stroller, but within her own perception, within a single moment, she saw ocean waves lick the sand, she tasted the finest chocolates, she dipped her toes into a lake, she heard a woman scream.
N. Michelle AuBuchon holds an MFA in creative writing from Sarah Lawrence College and lives in Brooklyn. Her work has most recently appeared or is forthcoming in New Orleans Review, Caketrain, Vol.1 Brooklyn, Washington Square,, No News Today, and Swink. She is currently working on a novel-in-stories.
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