Libraries are continuously purchasing new books, but the only way to make room for new titles is by removing old ones. Phyllis Rose explores the process of libraries’ acquisition and disposal of books in The Shelf, excerpted at Medium. Looking to save a beloved but otherwise obscure title? Check it out from time to time, Rose advises:
People who feel strongly about retaining books in libraries have a simple way to combat the removal of treasured volumes. Since every system of elimination is based, no matter what they say, on circulation counts, the number of years that have elapsed since a book was last checked out, or the number of times it has been checked out overall, if you feel strongly about a book, you should go to every library you have access to and check out the volume you care about. Take it home awhile. Read it or don’t. Keep it beside you as you read the same book on a Kindle, Nook, or iPad. Let it breathe the air of your home, and then take it back to the library, knowing you have fought the guerrilla war for physical books.