First, say hello to our new Saturday media editor, Arielle Bernstein!
Then, in “All The World’s A Stage,” Grant Snider neatly illustrates our inner performer.
Poet Kent Shaw marvels at the “glandular muscularity” of water as a theme in Harmony Holiday’s dual book, A Famous Blues/Go Find Your Father. Jazz voicing accentuates the father/daughter relationship at the center of the book. “There is centripetal motion in the poems,” Shaw writes. “They hurl themselves outward in syntax and content and sentiment and everything, please.”
In the Saturday Essay, Sharon Harrigan laments that “We are in the midst of an epidemic of attacks on women. But it’s not new.” Using a frightening encounter of her own as a lens, Harrigan examines the “rapist mentality” that is far more prevalent in today’s society than most of us are willing to admit.
Lastly, in the Sunday Essay, Lisa Carver highlights the cathartic side of rejection. Rejection gives us options we did not have before; it invigorates and rejuvenates. In an excerpt from her new book, How Not To Write, Carver declares that, “It wasn’t until I realized I could survive not being liked or believed by everybody that I was able to stop trying to look good, or believable, and just said what happened.”