You don’t want to miss Ta-Nehisi Coates’s comprehensive history of the Obama presidency at the Atlantic.
And here at The Rumpus, Jenessa Abrams writes on owning her sexuality without allowing for sexual harassment, and what she imagines she will tell her future children about this election and a Trump presidency.
For Hazlitt, Rhiannon Russell journeys down a treacherous mountain pass rich with Yukon Gold Rush history.
At BuzzFeed, Jesmyn Ward looks at the rise of black Southern culture in the stories that are being told on TV shows, through music, and in books.
Mary Ann Thomas writes against American notions of forgetting cultural roots in the second installment of our new Multitudes column, created in collaboration with VONA/Voices of our Nations Arts.
For The Current, Andrea Swensson travels to the site of not-Lake Minnetonka from the filming of Purple Rain to commune with the spirit of Prince.
Aaron Gilbreath offers a solid overview of how editors work with writers to strengthen their writing on the Kenyon Review blog.
And back on The Rumpus, Sarah Aziza writes with moving honesty on the complicated (and bloody) realities of living in a female body.
Logo art by Max Winter.