Saturday 12/17: Not Straight Against Hate, protest and march. Washington Square, 2 p.m. rally, 5 p.m. march, free.
Alex-Quan Pham and Ronald V. Wilson join the Segue Series. Zinc Bar, 4:30 p.m., $5.
Monday 12/19: Joel Allegretti hosts Davidson Garrett, David Lawton, and LuLu LoLo for a Leonard Cohen tribute. Cornelia Street Cafe, 6 p.m., $10.
Tuesday 12/20: Mitchell S. Jackson, Nancy Hightower, Carrie Cooperrider, and Emily Cementina join Manhattanville Reading series for the year end finale. Unnameable Books, 7:30 p.m., free.
Isaac Fitzgerald, Jeanne Thornton, Gabrielle Moss, and Tommy “Teebs” Pico join the inaugural reading of the Ditmas Lit Reading series. The Lodge at Sycamore, 8 p.m., free.
Wednesday 12/21: Muriel Leung, Monica Sok, Sally Wen Mao, and Jane Wong read poetry. Berl’s Poetry Shop, 7 p.m., free.
If you have a listing you’d like us to consider, please contact [email protected]. In the subject line of the email, please include the event’s date and in the email, include a link to the event information. Deadline is Tuesday for publication on Saturday.