Welcome to This Week in Trumplandia. Check in with us every Thursday for a weekly roundup of the most pertinent and relevant content on our country, which is currently spiraling down a crappy toilet drain. You owe it to yourself, your communities, and your humanity to contribute whatever you can, even if it is just awareness of the truth.
The fight is not over. Bernie Sanders announces plan to host nationwide protests on January 15.
Trump and his team request information on every executive order and directive relating to immigration, because the nightmare is going to be real.
Like all of us, Chinese state media is tired of the US President-elect spending all of his time on Twitter.
So much for not normalizing Trump. The Clintons are set to attend the 45th Presidential Inauguration.
Lessons from Singapore on Trump’s authoritarian America.
Trump calls out North Korea, because why not, and as Death and Taxes Editor Brian Abrams writes, “The president-elect is waving his Twitter dick again.”
Logo art by Max Winter.