Welcome to This Week in Trumplandia. Check in with us every Thursday for a weekly roundup of the most pertinent and relevant content on our country, which is currently spiraling down a crappy toilet drain. You owe it to yourself, your communities, and your humanity to contribute whatever you can, even if it is just awareness of the truth.
You might want to take a second look at Meryl Streep’s anti-Trump speech.
Here are four ways to make it through Trump’s America for those who are black.
One among many laws Trump is (possibly) breaking is an anti-nepotism statute, which calls into question the legality of his appointment of daughter Ivanka’s husband to a top White House position.
An intel report claims Trump took part in a golden shower video with Russian sex workers in Moscow. Trump, in all caps, said this was fake news, so he seems pretty triggered by this.
Bustle gives us five great ways to hold Trump accountable in our daily lives.
Trump continues to troll the country and logic itself by crying about fake news and asking “Are we living in Nazi Germany?” on Twitter.
Logo art by Max Winter.