Monday 6/12: Lou Cove, with Joel Stein, discusses and signs Man of the Year: A Memoir. 7 p.m. at Book Soup.
Harry Potter and the Sacred Text live podcast recording. This episode will be a deep dive into Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 11: The Firebolt. 7:30 p.m. at The Last Bookstore.
Elizabeth Crane reads from her new novel Turf. 7:30 p.m. at Skylight Books.
Tuesday 6/13: Rachel Ballinger reads and signs her forthcoming book, 101 Things That Piss Me Off. 7 p.m. at The Last Bookstore.
Anne-Christine D’Adesky discusses her book The Pox Lover with Councilmember Lindsey Horvath. 7:30 p.m. at Skylight Books.
Wednesday 6/14: Danny Goldberg, with Pamela Des Barres, discusses and signs In Search of the Lost Chord: 1967 and the Hippie Idea. 7 p.m. at Book Soup.
Daniel Wallace discusses and signs Extraordinary Adventures. 7 p.m. at Vroman’s Bookstore.
Martin Walker discusses and signs Templars’ Last Secret. 7 p.m. at Chevalier’s Books.
Writing Relevant Speculative Fiction. With authors S.B. Divya, Paul Krueger, Carrie Patel, and Arianne “Tex” Thompson. 7:30 p.m. at The Last Bookstore.
Daniel Riley reads from his novel Fly Me, and Rosecrans Baldwin reads from his novel The Last Kid Left. 7:30 p.m. at Skylight Books.
Thursday 6/15: Ken Rotcop discusses and signs As I Remember It: My 50 Year Career as an Award Winning Writer, Producer, and Studio Executive. 7 p.m. at Book Soup.
Cara Black discusses her new book in the Aimée Leduc Series, Murder in Saint-Germain, in conversation with Tim Hallinan, author of Junior Bender mysteries and Poke Rafferty thrillers. 7 p.m. at Chevalier’s Books.
Israel Centeno reads from his new novel The Conspiracy. 7:30 p.m. at Skylight Books.
Anthony Ausgang reads from his novella The Browser. 8 p.m. at Stories Books and Cafe.
Friday 6/16: Andrew Evans discusses and signs The Black Penguin. 7 p.m. at Book Soup.
Kim Gruenenfelder discusses and signs Love the Wine You’re With. 7 p.m. at Vroman’s Bookstore.
Vroman’s Presents an Evening with Neal Stephenson and Nicole Galland. 7 p.m. at All Saints Church. $36 tickets come with a book and admission. Available here.
Anna Akana presents her new book, So Much I Want to Tell You: Letters to My Little Sister. 7:30 p.m. at The Last Bookstore.
Jennifer Romolini discusses her book Weird in a World That’s Not. 7:30 p.m. at Skylight Books.
Saturday 6/17: Van Choat discusses and signs Undaunted: A Memoir. 3 p.m. at Book Soup.
Poetry Contest Award Reading. The winners of the 7th annual contest join together for a celebratory reading of their works. Co-sponsored by the English Department at Loyola-Marymount University. 4 p.m. at Beyond Baroque. $10/members free.
PEN Center USA Emerging Voices Fellowship Meet and Greet! Featuring Patrick O’Neil, Jian Huang, Mike Padilla, Peter H.Z. Hsu, Kirin Khan, and Soleil David. 5 p.m. at Skylight Books.
Sisters in Crime Los Angeles presents their latest anthology, LAst Resort. 6 p.m. at The Last Bookstore.
Kit Schluter, Bonnie Ruberg, and André Naffis-Sahely read from their poetry. 7:30 p.m. at Poetic Research Bureau.
Sunday 6/18: Angels Flight Literary West Salon with Annabelle Gurwitch and Heather Havrilesky. 4 p.m. at The Last Bookstore.
Steven R. Boyett and Ken Mitchroney sign Fata Morgana. 4 p.m. at Dark Delicacies.
Beyond Words: Beauty and Reisstance. Hosted by Jon Hess. 5:30 p.m. at Beyond Baroque. $10/members free.
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Logo art by Max Winter.