Brandon Taylor grapples with his sexuality and Southern identity over at Lit Hub.
Here at The Rumpus, Brea Salim leaves Indonesia and takes her spirituality with her to America, using it as a necessary touchstone to help find her way.
After reading this essay at Catapult, Annesha Sengupta will have you thinking about frog sex—who knew?
Samira Shackle takes a fascinating look at a port town in Pakistan that hopes to be the next Dubai for Guernica.
Back at The Rumpus, Michelle L. Lapena examines California’s history, the fate of the grizzly bear, and her own personal history as a Native American.
Namwali Serpell dates white men and lives to tell the tale for Longreads.
At Fanzine, Ezra Carlsen takes a look at California’s weed industry and what the recent approval of recreational use might mean for growers.
Logo art by Max Winter.