We are often overwhelmed by the breadth and quality of our submissions. To allow our volunteer editorial staff better handle the workload and respond to your work in a more timely fashion, we will be instituting reading periods for our Essays and Fiction categories.
Effective immediately, we are closed for essay submissions until March 1. Our regular reading periods for creative nonfiction will be as follows:
March 1 through June 1
September 1 through November 1
Our fiction reading periods will be as follows:
January 1 through January 31
May 1 through May 31
September 1 through September 30
If you have a piece that is timely and you feel strongly that The Rumpus is the best venue for it, please send it to our Managing Editor, [email protected], directly. And, you can always check our Writer’s Guidelines here, and our Submittable page here for information regarding submissions.