For Luna Luna, Tabitha Blankenbiller considers that it’s hard to make new friends, even when you meet your doppelgänger at Target.
At Smithsonian, Jeff MacGregor meditates on the illusions of 1950s and the death of Frankie Lymon.
Here at The Rumpus, Jackson Arn examines the bleed between real news and movie/TV news as more of our trusted newscasters happily do Hollywood cameos.
“Sometimes I wish I could be a little less resilient. I wish life would make more space for me not to be.” Lynn Steger Strong writes on anger and women’s work for Catapult.
At Longreads, Abigail Rasminsky finds a limit to her body and to her aspirations as a dancer.
And back at The Rumpus, Lauren Kayes wades through pain to find some pleasure.
Logo art by Max Winter.