Tuesday 2/6: Poet Ed Bok Lee kicks off the new event series, Writers Go to the Movies, with a screening of Arrival, followed by a conversation with Spanish and Latin American Studies professor Andrea Bell. Bryant-Lake Bowl & Theater, 6 p.m., $6-$12.
Books & Bars: A monthly book discussion and live show, centered on Yaa Gyasi’s novel Homegoing for the month of February. Amsterdam Bar & Hall, 5 p.m., free.
The Twin Cities Artful Book Club is a book club open to anyone who is interested in discussing stories relevant to the lives of artists in a welcoming, relaxing atmosphere. February’s book is Mozart’s Women by Jane Glover. Hopkins Center For the Arts, 6:30 p.m., free.
Wednesday 2/7: Joseph Rein will read from his collection, Roads without Houses, and Stephanie Carpenter will read from her book, Missing Persons. SubText Books, 7 p.m., free.
Michael Merriam will be reading from his fiction as part of the Speculations Reading Series. DreamHaven Books & Comics, 6:30 p.m., free.
Thursday 2/8: Lorna Landvik will be hosting an evening of wine, appetizers, and discussion about her book Best to Laugh. Barnes & Noble Edina, 7 p.m., $20.
Friday 2/9: Local authors Kimberly Todd and Mai Neng Moua will be reading from their work as part of the Banfill-Locke 2018 Reading Series. Banfill Locke Center For the Arts, 7:30 p.m., free.
Virginia Eubanks will present Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor, in conversation with Joe Soss. Magers & Quinn Booksellers, 7 p.m., free.
Saturday 2/10: The best films of the 90-Second Newbery Film Festival—a yearly video contest in which kid filmmakers create weird short movies that tell the entire stories of Newbery Award-winning books in about 90 seconds—will be having a screening in Minneapolis! This free event will be hosted by children’s authors James Kennedy (The Order of Odd-Fish) and Pete Hautman (Godless, The Flinkwater Factor). Minneapolis Central Library, 3 p.m., free but RSVP.
Judy McConnell will be discussing her new novel, Dreamhouse. She will do a reading, and also discuss her writing process, how the novel was created, and the experience of being a Minnesota author. Walker Library, 2 p.m., free.
Here’s a thing: Did you know The Loft Literary Center has a virtual community board? They do! It’s for all things literary and it’s for writers, readers, and lit enthusiasts with something to share. Check it out; you might find some good stuff, and you can put up your own postings, too.
Please email any event listings you’d like to see to [email protected].
Notable Twin Cities logo designed by Tyler Barton.