Sunday 3/25: Join Literary Lights for a celebration of women writers and motherhood. Featured readers will include Mike Finley, Haley Lasche, Janna Knittel, Michael Dean, Linda White, and Laura Vosika. Hosted by Donna Isaac. Blue Harbor Center for the Arts, 2 p.m., free, but donations appreciated.
Monday 3/26: Elle Luna and Susie Herrick will present Your Story is Your Power: Free Your Feminine Voice. Magers & Quinn Booksellers, 7 p.m., free.
Wednesday 3/28: The Birchbark Books Reading Series continues its 9th season with readings from Diane Wilson, Anthony Ceballos, Susan Power, and James P. Lenfestey. The series is curated by Michael Kiesow Moore and Ardie Medina. Bockley Gallery, 7 p.m., free.
Thursday 3/29: DJ Savarese joins Rain Taxi for a special film screening and poetry event cosponsored by the Autism Society of Minnesota. The program, which celebrates the publication of DJ Savarese’s chapbook A Doorknob for an Eye and the feature film Deej, will include a screening of the film and a Q&A session with the author. Minneapolis Institute of Art, 6:30 p.m., free.
Thomas Fox Averill presents Found Documents from the Life of Nell Johnson Doerr and John Reimringer reads from his novel-in-progress Cathedral Hill. Common Good Books, 7 p.m., free.
Saturday 3/31: Come enjoy a collaborative reading by students from the creative writing MFA programs at Hamline University, Minnesota State University, Mankato, and the University of Minnesota, hosted by Bryant Lake Bowl in their cabaret theater. Sharing their incredible work at this event will be Lily Crooks, Nicola Xavier Koh, and Rodrigo Sanchez-Chavarria (Hamline); Tina Gross, Lorna Pecard, and Elizabeth Trueblood (Mankato); Liam Kane-Grade, Mariela Lemus, and Gao Vang (U of M). Bryant-Lake Bowl & Theater, 6 p.m., free.
Be Heard 2018 Finals: Join TruArtSpeaks for the final bout in the 2018 Be Heard MN Youth Poetry Slam Series! The series provides a space for MN poets between the ages of thirteen and nineteen to tell their stories, share their art, and build community with one another. Through a series of eight poetry slams (readings in which poets are judged on content, craft, performance, originality, and more), Be Heard seeks to identify six youth poets who will represent Minnesota at the annual international Brave New Voices youth poetry slam festival in summer 2018. These poets will also receive mentorship in writing, performing, and arts leadership. SteppingStone Theatre, 7 p.m., $7–$10.
Here’s a thing: This one is all about the oft overlooked resources of your very own public library: Hennepin County Public Library offers all kinds of free events and programming. Aside from the many spectacular library often included in Notable Twin Cities, they’ve also got free homework help for kids, meditation classes, all of that. Pretty sweet.
Please email any event listings you’d like to see to
Notable Twin Cities logo designed by Tyler Barton.