Tuesday 6/26: We (Too) Are Philly presents “Whose Schools: Our Schools!,” a reading, open mic, and discussion about keeping education public and accessible. With readings from Ginger Ko, Kai Davis, Porsha Olayiwola, Marwa Helal, Nabila Lovelace, and featured poet Trapeta Mayson. 7 p.m. at Friends Free Library of Germantown.
Pecola Breedlove & The Freedom Party present a poetry open mic featuring Jaylene Clark Owens. Hosted by Mizz Jasz. 7 p.m. at APoetArtGallery.
Wednesday 6/27: You Can’t Kill a Poet returns to the South Philly Free Library with readings by Lawrence Mullen, Billimarie Lubiano Robinson, and more to be announced! 6:30 p.m. at Free Library of Philadelphia – South Philly Branch.
Thursday 6/28: The Rare Jawn series returns with readings by Anne Boyer, Raquel Salas Rivera, Chelsea Hodson, Kirwyn Sutherland, Ryan Eckes, and Mel Bentley. Hosted by Frank Sherlock. 7 p.m. at the Institute of Contemporary Art.
Philadelphia native and novelist Alex Kudera will read from and sign copies of his novel Fight for Your Long Day. 4:30 p.m. at Walnut Street West Library.
Friday 6/29: Meow Meow Pow Pow Lit and HOOT Review present “Stone the Crows”, a poetry and prose reading featuring Brian Alan Ellis, Bud Smith, Amy Saul-Zerby, Cassandra Panek, Jane-Rebecca Cannarella, Benjamin DeVos, and Angelo Colavita. 7 p.m. at Tattooed Mom.
Saturday 6/30: Mitchell Abidor will discuss his book May Made Me: An Oral History of the 1968 Uprising in France with Philly journalist Jen Kinney. 7 p.m. at Wooden Shoe Books and Records.
Philly Recommended Reading: Each week we’ll recommend work by a local writer featured in Notable. This week, it’s “slender oat rehearse” by Mel Bentley (The Wanderer). Enjoy!
If you have a Philadelphia event listing you’d like us to consider for Notable Philadelphia, please contact [email protected] as far in advance as possible, and include the date of the event in the subject line.
Logo art by Max Winter.