Friday 6/29: Women & Children First hosts the book launch party for Sophie Lucido Johnson’s new book, Many Love: A Memoir of Polyamory and Finding Love(s). 7:30 p.m., free.
Saturday 6/30: In lieu of any readings on Saturday, join the Families Belong Together – Chicago March at the Richard J. Daley Center. 11 a.m., free.
Sunday 7/1: Medea Benjamin discusses Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran. She will be joined in conversation by Bill Ayers. 57th Street Books, 3 p.m., free.
Monday 7/2: Stephen Dillon discusses Fugitive Life: The Queer Politics of the Prison State. Seminary Co-op Bookstore, 6 p.m., free.
Thursday 7/5: Visit The Book Cellar with Joseph Mills as he presents his wine poems from Angels, Thieves, and Winemakers. 7 p.m., free.
Edward McClelland discusses Folktales and Legends of the Middle West. A Q&A and signing will follow the discussion. 57th Street Books, 6 p.m., free.
If you have an event listing you’d like us to consider, please contact [email protected].
Logo art by Max Winter.