Friday 7/6: Autumn Brown and B2 Café present an art opening for Cory Neale. Featuring poetry readings by Brooke Walker, Kyle Brown-Watson, and Inez Carvalho. 7:30 p.m. at B2 Café.
Sunday 7/8: Maryan Captan will host Poetry in the Park, an all-ages open mic doubling as a going-away party as she prepares to move to Austin for a writing fellowship. Email Maryan to sign up to read. 12 p.m. at Clark Park.
The Random Name Poetry series will present an evening of readings by Shanna Compton, Alexandra Mattraw, and Douglas Piccinnini. Hosted by David Hancock. 7:30 p.m. at Dahlak Paradise.
Monday 7/9: Painted Bride Quarterly presents readings by J.C. Todd, Ryan Eckes, Warren Longmire, and Berry Grass. Hosted by Paul Siegell. 7:30 p.m. at Black Sheep Pub and Restaurant.
Philly Recommended Reading: Each week we’ll recommend work by a local writer featured in Notable. This week, it’s “Men Kissing” by J.C. Todd (Wild River Review, and previously the Paris Review). Enjoy!
If you have a Philadelphia event listing you’d like us to consider for Notable Philadelphia, please contact [email protected] as far in advance as possible, and include the date of the event in the subject line.
Logo art by Max Winter.