Thursday 7/12: We (Too) Are Philly presents “Schools, Not Prisons,” an evening of poetry focused on the intersection of mass incarceration and education. Featured readers include Kenning JP Garcia, Cortney Lamar Charleston, Itiola Jones, Oskar Castro, and featured poet Becky Birtha. Hosted by Philadelphia poet laureate Raquel Salas Rivera. 7 p.m. at Friends Center.
The Accidental Player reading series returns with an evening of poetry by Jeff Alessandrelli, Warren C. Longmire, Jeff T. Johnson, Christy Davids, and Marissa Johnson-Valenzuela. 8 p.m. at Tattooed Mom.
This month’s Philly Writers Happy Hour and Workshop will be focused on creating compelling characters and led by Dave Terruso. 6 p.m. at Fringearts.
Saturday 7/14: Head House Books will host an evening of poetry featuring Lauren Moseley, author of Big Windows, and Heather Bowlan. 7 p.m. at Head House Books.
The opening reception of “Sincerely Yours,” an art exhibit about honesty curated by Cayla Lockwood, will feature an audio installation of poetry published in Voicemail Poems, as well as a reading by local writers Warren C. Longmire, Marissa Johnson-Valenzuela, Tim Lynch, and Amy Saul-Zerby. 6 p.m. at Little Berlin.
Head to Big Blue Marble for an evening of magical, feminist, and parasitic poetry by Grant Clauser, Saryl Sznyter, and Lauren Radzieski. 7 p.m. at Big Blue Marble Bookstore.
Sunday 7/15: Excuse My Dust returns with performances by Megan Chialastri, Angelo Colavita, and Jordan Hanchulak. Brought to you by seasoned literary event host and purveyor of free box wine Jaime Fountaine. 8 p.m. at Good Good Comedy Theatre.
Jim Mancinelli and Good Karma Café present “Moveable Beats,” featuring readings by Brian J. Foley and Paul Siegell, followed by an open mic. 6 p.m. at 926 Pine Street.
Philly Improv Theater presents “Human Nature: A Storytelling Show”, featuring storytelling by Soumya Dhulekar, Benjamin Kuss, Harrison Scantling, and Cecilia Watson. Hosted by Randie Welles. $8 advance tickets, $10 at the door. 8:30 p.m. at Philly Improv Theater.
Philly Recommended Reading: Each week we’ll recommend work by a local writer featured in Notable. This week, it’s “Self-Portrait as Atola” by Itiola Jones (Puerto del Sol, June 2017). Enjoy!
If you have a Philadelphia event listing you’d like us to consider for Notable Philadelphia, please contact [email protected] as far in advance as possible, and include the date of the event in the subject line.
Logo art by Max Winter.