Sunday 7/22: Join the Sunday Social with Pulitzer Prize finalist Hernán Diaz, author of In the Distance, a Milkweed Books favorite title of 2017. Diaz will be engaged in conversation by his publisher and editor, Chris Fischbach of Coffee House Press, and Milkweed Editions manager Hans Weyandt will moderate the discussion. Milkweed Editions, 4 p.m., free.
KateLynn Hibbard will read poems from Simples, the 2018 Howling Bird Press Poetry Prize winner, in advance of its official publication in October. The reading is followed by an informal reception in Foss Center Atrium. Sateren Auditorium, 7 p.m., free.
Tuesday 7/24: Scott Carlson presents Twin Cities Beer: A Heady History. Magers & Quinn Booksellers, 7 p.m., free
Wednesday 7/25: Author Greg Brick will read and discuss his book, Minnesota Caves: History and Lore. A book signing will follow. SubText Books, 7 p.m., free.
Cow Tipping Press features writing by people with developmental disabilities. Through classes and publishing the work of those with developmental disabilities, Cow Tipping showcases what an asset these voices are to the world of writing. Join Eat My Words Books for readings, music, and refreshments. Eat My Words Bookstore, 7 p.m., free.
Thursday 7/26: Join SubText Books in the store for a night of poetry! Janet Jerve, Kathleen Weihe, and Tracy Youngblom will read and discuss their work. Book signing to follow! SubText Books, 7 p.m., free.
Friday 7/27: Nick White will read and discuss his latest, Sweet and Low, and he’ll be in conversation with Chris Stedman. Book signing to follow! SubText Books, 7 p.m., free.
Saturday 7/28: Linwood Barclay will be reading from his book A Noise Downstairs. River Falls Public Library, 1 p.m., free.
Here’s a thing: We might be halfway through the summer already, but it’s not too late to get in on some awesome education at the Loft! Check out their summer class selections—there is a lot of good stuff going on, and you might even get some respite from the heat (at least for a little while).
Please email any event listings you’d like to see to [email protected].
Notable Twin Cities logo designed by Tyler Barton.