Wednesday 9/12: Can the military help in the fight against climate change? Find out at the launch party for this week’s local book pick! Join investigative journalist Marilyn Berlin Snell for her new book Unlikely Ally: How the Military Fights Climate Change and Protects the Environment. The Bindery in San Francisco at 7 p.m.
Gary Shteyngart will be in conversation with Isabel Duffy as part of the City Arts & Lectures. Shteyngart will be discussing his new novel, Lake Success. The Nourse Theater in San Francisco at 7:30 p.m. ($35, tickets required).
Thursday 9/13: It’s been fifty years since 1968! Join Ken Knabb, a leading translator of Guy Debord and the Situationalist International, as he discusses the situationalists’ influence on the French protests and strikes of May 1968. City Lights Booksellers in San Francisco at 7 p.m.
As certain parts of the United States shun football, it still remains a refuge for others. Join BuzzFeed News reporter Albert Samaha as he reads from Never Ran, Never Will: Boyhood and Football in a Changing American Inner City. His new book tells the story of the Mo Better Jaguars football team of Brownsville, Brooklyn and, in the process, showcases a complex story of an economically deprived slice of American life. East Bay Booksellers in Oakland at 7 p.m.
Friday 9/14: Rae Paris will be reading from her book The Forgetting Tree: A Rememory. Paris began writing The Forgetting Tree, a blend of prose, poetry, and images, after visiting sites of racial trauma, horror, and defiance. Moe’s Books in Berkeley at 7 p.m.
Emmanuella Hristova will be reading from her collection of poems, The Day My Kisses Tasted Like Disorder. Hristova will be joined in conversation with Minhee Kim, Managing Director of the Kearny Street Workshop. The Octopus Literary Salon in Oakland at 7 p.m.
Saturday 9/15: Join author Faith Gardner for the launch of her second YA novel, The Second Life of Ava Rivers. This event is open to all readers age fourteen and up. Mrs. Dalloway’s Bookstore in Berkeley at 7 p.m.
Pride Poetry Palooza comes twice this year! Join poets Susan Dambroff, Natasha Dennerstein, Europa Grace, Michael Tod Edgerton, Philip Harris, David Hathwell, Vernon Keeve III, and Randall Mann. Fruit pies and cold glasses of milk will be served alongside their poetry. Strut in San Francisco at 7 p.m
Sunday 9/16: Do you or your child love Patricia Polacco’s books? Join her in the Pegasus Books tent at the annual Rockridge Out and About Street Festival. You can get your book signed or pick up a copy of her newest book, Holes in the Sky. Pegasus Books in Oakland (Rockridge) at 1 p.m.
Do you like poetry? Do you like state parks? You might just love Poetry in Parks! It’s an all-ages potluck featuring an afternoon of poetry readings. Join poets Brian Goulart, Jeremy Vasquez, William Butler, Megan Breiseth, Marci Vogel, Florencia Milito, Clare Lilliston, Carol Dorf, Adam Moskowitz, Terri Glass, Jaz Sufi, Cyrus Armajani, Charlie Getter, Cheryl Dumesnil, Heather Robinson, and Elizeya Quate for this wonderful event. Samuel P. Taylor State Park’s Redwood Grove in Lagunitas at 12 p.m. for the potluck and 2 p.m. for the readings.
Monday 9/17: Join Stanford University Psychiatry professor and bestselling novelist Daniel Mason as he reads from his newest book, The Winter Soldier. Kepler’s Books in Menlo Park at 7:30 p.m. (free, RSVP required).
Terese Svoboda will be reading from Anything That Burns You: A Portrait of Lola Ridge, Radical Poet. Her book chronicles the life of Lola Ridge, a “trailblaizer for women, poetry, and human rights.” Svoboda, a current Headlands Artist in Residence, will be in conversation with Dean Rader. The Booksmith in San Francisco at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday 9/18: Worried about how Google, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook are taking over the world and destroying civil society? Join Lucie Greene as she discusses her new book, Silicon States: The Power and Politics of Big Tech and What It Means For Our Future. Books Inc. in Mountain View at 7 p.m.
Join poet Margaret Randall for the release of her latest collection, Time’s Language: Selected Poems (1959–2018). City Lights Booksellers in San Francisco at 7 p.m.
Want to tell your story but don’t know how? Join Notable SF columnist Nishant Batsha as he leads an eight-week workshop on some of the best practices for getting your story from idea to page. Albany Community Center in Albany at 7:30 p.m. ($75–$85, registration required)
Local Book Pick: This week’s local book pick is Marilyn Berlin Snell’s Unlikely Ally: How the Military Fights Climate Change and Protects the Environment (Heyday, September 1, 2018)!
If you have a Bay Area event listing you’d like us to consider for Notable SF, please contact [email protected] as far in advance as possible, and include the date of the event in the subject line.
Logo art by Max Winter.