“But the Venn diagram between serial harassers and abusers and people capable of fundamental honesty may not produce much of an overlap.” For the New Yorker, Jia Tolentino looks into why heritage publications are embracing the not-very-reflective narratives of abusers.
Amir Ahmadi Arian writes on a childhood during wartime in Iran for Guernica.
In this infuriating edition of ENOUGH here at The Rumpus, Akhila Kolisetty gets thrown to the wolves while traveling in Nepal.
“I wonder where those cells live inside me now, ten years after I slipped into anesthesia dreams and a surgeon scraped the remains from my uterus.” At The Offing, Eliza Smith writes on fetal microchimerism and the way babies born and unborn can linger in the body.
At VIDA, Jody Chan navigates language and gender perception.
Joanna C. Valente considers the recourse for women experiencing harassment in small business or creative communities at Luna Luna.
Logo art by Max Winter.