“I know that the fat on my body is part of me, and I can choose to carry it like a backpack weighing me down, bruising my shoulders by the end of the day. Or I can carry it like a fashion accessory that is a key part of the outfit I slipped on that morning.” At Longreads, Natalie Lima carries the weight of her body and negotiates reactions to it.
For Lit Hub, Katie Prout writes on whether we should starve ourselves for our art and the trouble that this question even exists.
Here at The Rumpus, Claire Dodd looks at the terrible ways devotion can be bound up with love as she considers the Manson Family and her own past relationships.
“In Hollywood beasts worse than lions roamed free.” At Electric Literature, Clinton Crockett Peters tells the wild tale of the making of the indulgent lion-fest Roar.
Over at Aeon, Daniel Everett writes a compelling argument for the inherent value of learning another language.
For The Walrus, Mark Mann ventures out with a questing spirit, seeking Quixotic bliss on a pilgrimage in Spain.
Logo art by Max Winter.