At Lit Hub, Veronica Scott Esposito is all too aware of the damage that further denial of transgender rights could cause.
The National Park Service has its own investigative force, and Rachel Monroe offers a fascinating snapshot of the sleuthing rangers for Outside.
At Places Journal, Maya Dukmasova unwinds the gears that run the government of the country’s second-largest county in an enlightening deep-dive into Chicago politics.
“The nurse pulverized three construction-orange pills with a mortar and pestle like narcotic guacamole.” Here at The Rumpus, Tessa Torgeson battles through heroin addiction with the help of a recovery drug and the love of friends and family.
For Nowhere, Courtney Zoffness falls for a quaint German town and considers what it would mean to build a life in the country that caused her grandmother to flee Europe.
In the face of her toddler’s fascination with death, Kate Ristow reconsiders the ways we talk and think about death, over at The Cut.
Back at The Rumpus, Marissa Korbel contemplates the ways clothing and costumes reflect expectations, especially for women.
Logo art by Max Winter.