Tuesday 10/30: Penn Book Center will host a presentation and discussion with Arjun Singh Sethi, editor of American Hate: Survivors Speak Out. 6 p.m. at Penn Book Center.
The Kelly Writers House will host a poetry reading by Norbert Lange. 6 p.m. at Kelly Writers House.
Wednesday 10/31: Apiary Magazine will present another edition of their “Hive Night” reading and open mic series! Featuring readings by Sekai’afua Zankel, Nicole Steinberg, and Mike O’Hara. 6:30 p.m. at Fergie’s Pub.
Thursday 11/1: The Free Library will host a reading by Kiese Laymon, author of Heavy: An American Memoir. 5:45 p.m. at Philadelphia Library-Kingsessing.
Penn Book Center will host a reading and discussion with five contributors to They Said: A Multi-Genre Anthology of Contemporary Collaborative Writing. Featuring Susan Lewis, Katt Lissard, Quintan Ana Wikswo, Erin J. Mullikin, and Ethel Rackin. 6 p.m. at Penn Book Center.
Head to the Wooden Shoe for a show and reading featuring performances by Katie Haegele, Dame Darcy, and Gravey Train. 7 p.m. at Wooden Shoe Books and Records.
The University of the Arts Visiting Writers Series will present a poetry reading by Roger Reeves, author of King Me. 7 p.m. at University of the Arts – Connelly Auditorium, Terra Hall.
Friday 11/2: Empty Set Press presents the launch of Faye Chevalier’s new chapbook Futur.txt, also featuring readings by Mikey Franz, Heather Dooley, and June Gehringer. 7 p.m. at The Convent Philly.
Asian Arts Initiative will host “The Living Deal: API Poets on Loss, Labor, and Love,” featuring Wendy Xu, Faisal Mohyuddin, Raena Shirali, Ahmad Almallah, and Cynthia Dewi Oka. 7 p.m. at Asian Arts Initiative.
The Philly Pigeon Poetry Slam returns with featured poet Yolanda Wisher. Come perform, watch or judge! Organized by Jacob Winterstein, Kai Davis, and Jasmine Combs. 8:30 p.m. at PhilaMOCA.
Monday 11/5: Bring your best to share at the November edition of “Community Drafts,” a monthly open mic night hosted by Misty Rosso. 8 p.m. at Lucky 13 Pub.
Philly Recommended Reading: Each week we’ll recommend work by a local writer featured in Notable. This week, it’s two poems by Erin J. Mullikin (Ghost Ocean, 2016). Enjoy!
If you have a Philadelphia event listing you’d like us to consider for Notable Philadelphia, please contact [email protected] as far in advance as possible, and include the date of the event in the subject line.
Logo art by Max Winter.