“Only those safe from fascism and its practices are far more likely to think that there might be a benefit in exchanging ideas with fascists.” At Lit Hub, Aleksander Hemon exposes the truth: there is no way to “debate” an ideology that honors suppression.
For Constellate Literary Journal, Kate Branca writes on the comforts of oatmeal, whichever way you take it.
Here at The Rumpus, Janelle Bassett writes on how she dealt with being spit out raw into the world during the day Kavanaugh confirmation.
“I see the nomadic singing of the sparrows and I know; I see the newborn day and I know; I see the pureness of the dew on the green earth and I know. I know and still I wait.” José Luís Peixoto meditates on shifts in landscape and time, and the passing of his father, at Words without Borders.
“Now that we have mapped the world’s inhospitable places, the only places for monsters to dwell are the uncharted spaces within.” Natalie Lawrence looks at the myths and the monsters humans construct for Aeon.
Back at The Rumpus, Shay Alexi contemplates America and its shared and unshared dreams and nightmares.
Logo art by Max Winter.