Tuesday’s midterm election offered a glimmer of hope, with Democrats winning almost forty seats in the House of Representatives (and with several districts still counting votes). But the fight isn’t over. Late yesterday afternoon, Donald Trump fired Jeff Sessions, temporarily replacing him with a toady who will now oversee the Mueller investigation into Russia. We’re still two months away from the new majority taking power in the House.
MoveOn.org has been preparing to protest against any attempt to undermine Robert Mueller’s investigation, and has pre-organized the Nobody Is Above the Law rapid response protest. There are over nine hundred locations around the country where protesters can gather to peaceably demonstrate.
Below are the locations of events in several cities, and hundreds of local events are planned.
Chicago: Federal Plaza
Los Angeles: City Hall
New York: Times Square
Philadelphia: Thomas Paine Plaza
Portland, OR: Pioneer Courthouse Square
San Francisco: Civic Center
The importance of allowing Special Counsel Robert Mueller to finish his investigation cannot be overstated. Firing him now will set back the investigation, regardless of how much subpoena power a Democratic Congress has. Remember, Trump aide Paul Manafort has already been tried and convicted on ten counts, and Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen has pled guilty. Crimes have been committed and confessed to. More than thirty-five people have been charged as of October. The investigation must be allowed to continue.
All protests begin at 5 p.m. local time. This is the first such protest, but it won’t be the last.