Monday 11/26: Roxanne Veletzos discusses and signs The Girl They Left Behind. 7 p.m. at Book Soup.
Soulace Seeker discusses and signs her first self-published book, Words from the Soul. 7:30 p.m. at The Last Bookstore.
Tuesday 11/27: Jen Bilik discusses and signs This Is (Not) LA: An Insider’s Take on the Real Los Angeles. 7 p.m. at Vroman’s Bookstore.
Homo-Centric presents Spunk-Centric. Celebrating the launch of the literary art journal Spunk‘s 12th issue. Featuring Aaron Tilford, Carson Beker, Mark Gindi, and Brandi M. Spaethe. 7:30 p.m. at Stories Books and Cafe.
Wednesday 11/28: Travis Richardson discusses and signs Bloodshot and Bruised: Crime Stories from the South and West. 7 p.m. at Book Soup.
Thursday 11/29: Jill Soloway discusses and signs her new memoir, She Wants It. 7 p.m. at Chevalier’s Books.
The Women’s Center for Creative Work presents Katya Apekina reading from her new novel The Deeper the Water the Uglier the Fish, and Anne-Marie Kinney reading from Coldwater Canyon. They will be joined in conversation by Dana Johnson. But wait! This event has wine! 7 p.m. at VinoVore. Tickets are $40/$32 for members, get them here, and they come with two glasses of wine. 21+, because duh.
Christian Kracht discusses and signs The Dead. 7 p.m. at Book Soup.
Allan MacDonell discusses and signs his latest book, a “posthumous memoir,” Now That I Am Gone: A Memoir Beyond Recall. 8 p.m. at Stories Books and Cafe.
Friday 11/30: Dan DeWeese, with Daniel Quartz, discusses and signs Gielgud. 7 p.m. at Book Soup.
Derek Leebaert discusses and signs Grand Improvisation: America Confronts the British Superpower, 1945-1957. 7 p.m. at Vroman’s Bookstore.
Brand N Stone Publishing presents Arch Bishop Magic Don Juan for the re-release of Pimp Stick to Pulpit. 7 p.m. at The Last Bookstore.
Saturday 12/1: Andrew Choate and Patrick Shiroishi read from their poetry. 7:30 p.m. at the Poetic Research Bureau.
Poetry in Motion presents Michael Lally reading from his new book Another Way to Play. Hosted by Eve Brandstein. 8 p.m. at Beyond Baroque. GA $20/Students/Seniors $10/Members $8.
Sunday 12/2: Celebrate the book launch for Mary E. Torregrossa’s new book, My Zócalo Heart. 2 p.m. at Avenue 50 Studio.
Award-winning poets Holly Prado and Harry E. Northup read from their poetry. 8 p.m. at Beyond Baroque. $10/members free.
N:LA is taking a holiday break after this week—we’ll see you in 2019!
Want your event listed in Notable Los Angeles? Email [email protected] with your event info and a brief description!
Logo art by Max Winter.