In an essay at Glamour, Lyz Lenz finds freedom from being taken for granted through her divorce.
“My mom, the Sudafed socialite of Chicago,” muses Jessica Mooney at Entropy as she watches helplessly as her mother wrestles with insomnia and buried trauma.
At the Paris Review, India Ennenga looks to artist Mary Morris Knowles for a more knowing wink at the representation of self than the modern-day selfie.
“Trusting men is difficult when you have been the other woman, because you know what they say to the other woman.” M. Mullen looks for a mentor and instead winds up playing that tired old role in a new ENOUGH here at The Rumpus.
At Pacific Standard, Kevin Lincoln looks at how tech allows an extension of self—including an extension of our identities.
“In a place so remote, looking out to where the blue of the water met the blue of the sky, eyes scanning for the first sight of the ferry, I suddenly felt very close to home.” For Popula, Nishant Batsha writes on finding home in the food of the indentured Indian diaspora.
Back at The Rumpus, Lesley Jenike’s wide-ranging essay covers Elizabeth Taylor, the ibis, and Joni Mitchell in blackface.
Logo art by Max Winter.