Thursday 2/21: Digital theorist and writer Douglas Rushkoff reads from his latest book, Team Human. Powell’s City of Books, 7:30 p.m., free.
The Bone Tax Poem Club returns with a reading featuring Colin Keating, Olivia Olivia, Julia Laxer, Robert Torres, and Isabel Zacharias. Rose City Book Pub, 8 p.m., free.
Friday 2/22: The Portland Review hosts its winter issue release party featuring readings by contributors Camellia Freeman, Elizabeth Pickard, Daniel Elder, and Brian Gard. Independent Publishing Resource Center, 7 p.m., free.
The Whitenoise Project hosts its second year anniversary reading featuring local writers Christopher Rose, Maryam Miri Gabriel, Mike Copperman, and Roland Dahwen Wu. Milepost 5, 7 p.m., $5–$10 suggested donation.
Dani Shapiro reads from her latest memoir, Inheritance. Powell’s City of Books, 7:30 p.m., free.
Saturday 2/23: Submission prose editor Kate Garklavs reads from her latest chapbook, Diffusely Yours, and reads alongside Nathan Wade Carter and Jennifer Perrine. Dorsa Brevia, 7 p.m., free.
Christopher Luna celebrates the launch of his debut poetry collection, Message from the Vessel in a Dream, and will read alongside Judith Arcana and Dan Raphael. Like Nobody’s Business, 7 p.m., free.
In honor of the late poet Mary Oliver, all are invited to an open mic reading of her poetry. Mother Foucault’s Bookshop, 7 p.m., donations accepted but not required and go to SOLVE—a local organization which brings people together to care for our natural spaces.
Sunday 2/24: Tender Table hosts stories on food by writers Jewels, Leo Ariel, and Janessa Bautista. Art Haus, 3 p.m., $10–$15 suggested donation.
Monday 2/25: Portland State University’s Creative Writing Program presents a reading with Paul Collins and Ted Van Alst. Smith Memorial Student Union, 6:30 p.m., free.
Legal scholar and writer Alexandra Natapoff reads from her new book, Punishment Without Crime: How Our Massive Misdemeanor System Traps the Innocent and Makes America Unequal. Powell’s City of Books, 7:30 p.m., free.
Wednesday 2/27: The Mouths of Others Reading Series presents a reading and talk by Diana Kirk, author of Licking Flames. Mt. Hood Community College, 12 p.m., free.
If you have an event listing you’d like us to consider, please write to [email protected].
Notable Portland logo art by Olivia Olivia.