Monday 3/18: Wisconsin-based author Nickolas Butler will present his new novel, Little Faith. Magers & Quinn Booksellers, 7 p.m., free.
Sally Wen Mao, who recently released her poetry collection Oculus, and 신 선 영 Sun Yung Shin (Unbearable Splendor) will read from their work. Moon Palace Books, 7 p.m., free.
Tuesday 3/19: Eugenie Anderson played many roles in a life that nearly spanned the twentieth century. Hear from Mary Dupont, Anderson’s granddaughter and author of Mrs. Ambassador: The Life and Politics of Eugenie Anderson, about how Anderson brought energy and eloquence to the Minnesota DFL as a lifelong adviser to Hubert Humphrey and the first woman ambassador for the US. Minnesota History Center, 7 p.m., free.
Wednesday 3/20: Tricia Levenseller and Alexandra Christo are bringing the Monsters and Sirens Tour to Red Balloon Bookshop. Hang out with the authors of Warrior of the Wild and To Kill a Kingdom while they chat about oppressive deities, people-eating sirens, adventure, romance, storytelling, and more. Afterward, get your books signed, DIY your own souvenir button, and enjoy some tasty refreshments with other YA fantasy fans. Red Balloon Bookshop, 6:30 p.m., free.
Thursday 3/21: Catherine Lundoff, publisher at Queen of Swords Press (a Minneapolis-based small publisher of genre fiction), will be talking about how she got started in independent publishing, what she’s learned so far, and what’s next. Q&A to follow. Queen of Swords Press titles will be available for sale and light refreshments will be served. DreamHaven Books & Comics, 6:30 p.m., free.
Story Club Minneapolis is a live monthly storytelling show featuring both an open mic segment and a curated set of performers from all over the Twin Cities arts scene and beyond. This month’s featured performers are Klark Eversman and Heidi Arneson (Interlocking Monsters). Bryant-Lake Bowl & Theater, 7 p.m., free.
Friday 3/22: Rosemount Writers Festival and Book Fair day one: Enjoy a keynote dinner with award-winning author David Housewright. Steeple Center, 6 p.m., $35.
Saturday 3/23: Rosemount Writers Festival and Book Fair day two: Writing workshops offered throughout the day. Book Fair with nearly sixty local and regional authors and publishing vendors. Steeple Center, 6 p.m., free (workshops are $15 each).
Here’s a thing: Looking for something good to listen to? Check out Black Market Reads, a podcast featuring conversations with today’s most exciting literary voices. It’s good stuff, and it’ll make your commute that much more enjoyable!
Please email any event listings you’d like to see to [email protected].
Notable Twin Cities logo designed by Tyler Barton.